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Bridal Shower Schedule: A Guide to the Perfect Pre-Wedding Party

Are you about to host your first bridal shower but feeling a little overwhelmed? Don't worry, we've got you covered! In this article, we'll provide you with a handy bridal shower schedule and outline the...

Are you about to host your first bridal shower but feeling a little overwhelmed? Don't worry, we've got you covered! In this article, we'll provide you with a handy bridal shower schedule and outline the order of events to ensure your celebration runs smoothly and nothing important is overlooked.

What do you do at a bridal shower?

While every bridal shower is unique, there are typically three main events that traditionally take place. These events usually happen in the following order: eating a meal, playing games, and opening gifts. However, there may be some instances where these events overlap.

For example, some games may be related to gift opening, so you would play them while the bride is opening her gifts. Additionally, if the meal takes longer than planned, you can start playing games as guests finish up. When creating your bridal shower schedule, it's important to consider these scenarios and be prepared for any unforeseen hiccups.

How long does a bridal shower last?

Typically, a bridal shower lasts around three hours, from when guests arrive to when they depart. It's a good idea to wrap up the gift-opening portion with some time to spare, so guests who need to leave early don't miss out on this special event.

Basic Bridal Shower Schedule

To help you plan your bridal shower, here is a breakdown of the order of events:

Guest Arrival

Guests usually arrive within the first 15-20 minutes of the bridal shower. This is a great time for introductions and mingling. As the host, make sure to direct guests to the cards and gifts table if it's not clearly displayed. It's also an opportunity to showcase the lovely decorations you and your fellow hosts have prepared.

Food and Drinks

To make the most of your time, it's best to start serving food and drinks within the first 15-20 minutes of the celebration. If you're planning a buffet-style or self-serve meal, have everything set out before guests arrive. This allows you to greet everyone while ensuring guests can enjoy a refreshing beverage right away. If necessary, make an announcement to let guests know they can start making their plates.

Bridal Shower Games

Approximately an hour into the shower, be prepared to start playing games. While some guests may still be working on their meals, announce that games will begin as soon as everyone is ready. During this time, check in with the bride to make sure she has had time to greet everyone and finish her meal before she starts opening gifts.

Opening Gifts

Once the games are done, gather guests around to watch the bride open her gifts. Ideally, you should have around an hour and a half left in case it takes longer than planned. If you are playing games during this time, be sure they don't overshadow the bride. Avoid reading answers or handing out prizes during the gift-opening portion. If the bride finishes opening her gifts early, this is a perfect opportunity for her to take photos with her guests, family members, and bridal party.

Guest Departure

Leave about 15-20 minutes at the end of the shower for guests to say their goodbyes, especially if you have a venue with a time restriction. If there are no time restrictions, guests can leave at their own pace. Start cleaning up as soon as possible and allow enough time to transport all the bridal shower gifts to the bride's car.

Bridal Shower Schedule + Order of Events Bridal Shower Schedule + Order of Events

Keep in mind that this schedule is just a guide, and you can adapt it to suit your specific needs. The most important thing is to create a joyful and memorable experience for the bride-to-be and her guests.

UP NEXT: When Do You Have a Bridal Shower?