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Alba Party Exposes Labour Party's Hypocrisy on Council Tax Rise

The Alba Party, led by Alex Salmond, has called out the Labour Party, urging them to confirm that all ten Labour-run Councils will freeze Council Tax next year. This call comes as the Labour Party...

Alba Party Call Out Labour Party’s Council Tax Rise Hypocrisy

The Alba Party, led by Alex Salmond, has called out the Labour Party, urging them to confirm that all ten Labour-run Councils will freeze Council Tax next year. This call comes as the Labour Party tries to gain political advantage from proposed increases to Council Tax bands, even though every Labour-led Council has opted to increase Council Tax this year.

Under new Scottish Government plans, one in four households will face soaring council tax rates. A consultation document published last month suggests that the Scottish Government and local authority body Cosla are preparing to increase council tax on properties in band E or higher on a sliding scale ranging from 7.5% to 22.5%.

This move mirrors a similar initiative in 2017. The consultation on changes to council tax rates will conclude on September 20th.

However, the Alba Party has exposed what they consider "blatant hypocrisy" by the Labour Party. While demanding that the Scottish Government doesn't increase Council Tax, Labour-led Councils are increasing Council Tax for struggling families year after year.

The Alba Party stands alone in Scotland as the only party advocating for a freeze on Council Tax. This policy was initially introduced by Alex Salmond's Scottish Government in response to the 2008 global financial crash. With the current cost of living crisis, the Alba Party argues that any Council Tax increases will likely push more households into poverty.

Chris McEleny, the General Secretary of the Alba Party, commented, "Labour opposes changes to Council Tax bands by highlighting that over 100,000 households in the poorest 30% of Scotland live in band E or higher properties. However, every single Labour-run Council in Scotland chose to increase Council Tax for these households this year, with most planning further increases next year. Scotland is heading towards a 40% increase in Council Tax, just like under Labour between 1999 and 2007. Anas Sarwar, the leader of the Labour Party, can dispel any suggestions of hypocrisy by confirming that the Councils his party controls will freeze Council Tax next year."

McEleny added, "Substantial increases to Council Tax during a cost of living crisis defy common sense. In 2008, Alex Salmond's Government protected household budgets through a fully funded Council Tax freeze in response to the financial crash. That is the commitment the current Scottish Government should be making in next week's program for Government."

The Alba Party's call for fairness and consistency in Council Tax policies highlights the need for politicians to match their rhetoric with action. It remains to be seen how the Labour Party will respond to this challenge.