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The 1991 Rave Community - Reliving the Glory Days

Welcome to the world of the 1991 rave community, where fast-paced electronic music and mesmerizing light shows still reign supreme. Step back in time to the most influential era of rave music, where the essence...

Welcome to the world of the 1991 rave community, where fast-paced electronic music and mesmerizing light shows still reign supreme. Step back in time to the most influential era of rave music, where the essence of peace, love, unity, respect, tolerance, and happiness filled the air. Dancing the night away was more than just a pastime; it was a way of life.

The Origins of the Rave Scene

In 1987, a dance scene emerged from the depths of Chicago house and quickly spread its roots across London, Manchester, Ibiza, and New York City. This underground movement, fueled by the allure of acid house, captivated the United Kingdom and continental Europe. Though overlooked by the media of that era, the rave scene grew at an astonishing pace, catching the government off guard.

London's legendary club, Shoom, opened its doors in November 1987, courtesy of Danny Rampling and his wife Jenny. Acid House swiftly became a symbol of Britain's political freedom, captivating the hearts and souls of ravers across the nation.

The Catalyst for the Rave Scene

How to enter the rave community at rave on 1991 How to enter the rave community at rave on 1991

The rave scene was propelled by a potent combination of psychedelic basslines and the now-famous illegal drug: ecstasy. MDMA, previously unheard of outside of Chicago and Ibiza, took center stage. While the music was undeniably the driving force behind the rave scene, our community at Rave On 1991 aims to bring back the magic of the past while charting a new course for the future. We encourage a drug-free experience, promoting safety and well-being for all.

1991 - A Year to Remember

How to Join us in our rave community at Rave On 1991. How to Join us in our rave community at Rave On 1991.

In 1991, the rave scene blossomed like never before. Unforgettable events were held in airport hangars, sprawling private estates, and long-forgotten warehouses - each providing a backdrop for unforgettable experiences. Hardcore music became the anthem of choice, with occasional melodic tunes sprinkled in for good measure.

The memories forged in 1991 were nothing short of extraordinary. Ravers rendezvoused in service stations, continued the party at after-parties, and embraced the thrill of illegal raves. Countless people proclaimed that they had experienced the best night of their lives. These memories created a buzz that transcended time, drawing more and more devotees to the scene.

The Journey to Rave On 1991

Many newcomers found themselves drawn to the rave scene after hearing positive reports in the media - an escape from the mundane world of mainstream nightclubs. Some had spent nights drinking in pubs, dancing to familiar beats. Little did they know that Rave On 1991 would open their eyes to a whole new world.

As one of the founders, I had my first taste of the acid house tunes in Ibiza back in 1990. Little did I know that those very tunes would shape the rave scene in 1991. It was a serendipitous journey that led us to the legendary Eclipse in Coventry, where we found ourselves instantly hooked.

A Community that Cares

An image captioned "How to Join us in our rave community at Rave On 1991." How to Join us in our rave community at Rave On 1991.

Rave was more than a pastime; it was a way of life. Promoters, DJs, and ravers stood together to create something truly special - an experience that nobody can take away. Today, Rave On 1991 continues to bring together passionate ravers from around the world. Our forum serves as a hub for like-minded individuals, providing a space to reminisce and share their love for the rave scene.

We uphold the values of Peace, Love, and Unity, striving to create a community that genuinely cares. While raves are making a comeback in the United Kingdom, nothing quite compares to the magic of 1991. We acknowledge that we're not the only community, but we strive to be the best. DJs, ravers, promoters, past and present - all are warmly welcomed to join our ever-growing family.

The future of rave is bright, and we are excited to be at the forefront of this movement. As long as we keep it legal, the possibilities are endless. So, let's relive the glory days, create new memories, and dance our way into a new era of rave.

Rave on 1991 - A Rave Community for You!