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A Comprehensive Guide to Creating a Successful Political Campaign Plan

On every political campaign, there are countless moving parts that require careful attention and meticulous planning. This is why having a well-crafted campaign plan is absolutely essential for any candidate. Not only does it provide...

On every political campaign, there are countless moving parts that require careful attention and meticulous planning. This is why having a well-crafted campaign plan is absolutely essential for any candidate. Not only does it provide a roadmap for managing all the different aspects of your campaign, but it also sets you up for success from the start.

But let's face it, creating an entire campaign plan can be a daunting task. Many potential candidates shy away from running simply because they are unsure of how to approach the planning process. That's where we come in. At NDTC, we want to walk you through our campaign plan template, providing you with the necessary resources and examples to effectively plan your campaign.

What Exactly is a Campaign Plan?

The term "campaign plan" might sound overwhelming at first. Visions of complex spreadsheets and intense strategy may come to mind. However, it doesn't have to be that way! In simple terms, a campaign plan is essentially a blueprint for how your campaign will be structured and operated. It includes vital information about your district, budget, field efforts, and much more. By mapping out all of this essential information and creating a comprehensive plan, your campaign will be well-prepared to overcome any challenges.

NDTC's campaign plan template offers a structured framework that makes the process easier for you. This user-friendly template, combined with the formulas, skills, and context provided by our online courses, will guide you through the entire planning process and lay a solid foundation for a successful campaign.

The template is conveniently divided into six main sections:

  • District Overview
  • Field Plan
  • Fundraising Plan
  • Communications Plan
  • Budget Summary
  • Compliance and Legal

If you're unsure about how to complete a section or need some guidance, each section comes with helpful notes that reference the corresponding NDTC on-demand courses.

How to Effectively Utilize the Template

Since every candidate and race is unique, we encourage you to make a copy of the template. This way, you can add your own strategies and plans into the existing structure. And if there's more you'd like to include, the choice is entirely up to you!

After downloading the template, you can choose to either fill out the sections in the order they appear or focus on specific sections that are most relevant or urgent to your campaign. Once you have a starting point, review the notes and guidelines provided within each section and begin building your plan.

Each section prompts you to input information specific to your campaign, such as district demographics or anticipated expenses. By following these prompts, you'll create a comprehensive plan that covers every aspect of your campaign. You can then share this plan with your team members, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

Learn from the Experts

Looking for a more comprehensive guide to building and utilizing your campaign plan? Look no further than our excellent NDTC virtual training, featuring the expertise of Jordan Berg Powers! In this training, Jordan provides an in-depth planning guide covering all the crucial elements, including vote goals, communications strategies, fundraising tactics, and more.

Political Campaign Plan Template and Guide Political Campaign Plan Template and Guide

Meet Megan: An Example Campaign Plan

To help you gain a better understanding of how to effectively use the template, let's take a look at how Megan Hammond, our fictional candidate running for School Board in Bear County, New Mexico, would complete the different sections of her campaign plan.

If you've taken any of NDTC's courses, you may already be familiar with Megan. She serves as a valuable example, demonstrating best practices and showcasing campaign resources. Throughout this month, we will use Megan and her campaign to illustrate how to fill out a campaign plan for a local race. It's important to remember that every campaign is unique, and Megan's plan is just one example of what the finished template can look like. Together, we will explore and explain the different components of Megan's campaign plan week by week, providing you with the best strategies to create your own winning plan.

Let's Get Started with Planning!

Don't waste any more time. Download our comprehensive campaign plan template now and let's embark on the journey of planning your successful campaign.

Download The Template