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How to Throw a Virtual Party: 5 Exciting Ways to Celebrate

Being physically apart doesn't have to spoil the fun of a party! With a virtual party, you can still connect and celebrate with your attendees, regardless of the distance. Whether it's a birthday bash or...

Being physically apart doesn't have to spoil the fun of a party! With a virtual party, you can still connect and celebrate with your attendees, regardless of the distance. Whether it's a birthday bash or a company milestone event, the possibilities for hosting a virtual party are endless. In this article, we'll explore some creative ideas to make sure your virtual party is a blast!

Celebrating with Remote Employees

When planning a remote company party, it's important to find innovative ways to keep your team engaged and appreciated. Here are a few simple ideas to achieve just that:

1. Buy your team lunch.

Even though your guests may be scattered across different locations, you can still ensure they feel included by sending them a catered meal. Utilize delivery services like UberEATS or DoorDash to have the meal arrive at the same time as the meeting. If dietary restrictions or food delivery aren't feasible, consider offering a meal stipend for employees to order their own lunch.

2. Hold a decoration or costume contest.

Get your attendees in the party spirit by organizing a creative competition. Challenge them to find party decor and themed attire they already have or encourage them to purchase items online. Reward the most impressive display with a prize.

3. Host a virtual watch party.

Make use of platforms like Netflix Party to host a virtual watch party where everyone can watch a movie simultaneously. Alternatively, share your screen with audio to enhance the experience. Prior to the event, distribute a poll to choose a suitable movie or shorts that everyone can enjoy.

4. Heat up the competition with games.

Bring back some old-fashioned fun with games like trivia quizzes or board games. Explore apps like QuizUp or Kahoot! to prepare different themed quizzes. For smaller groups, consider using features like Zoom's breakout rooms for a more interactive experience. You can even introduce online board games as an option.

5. Raffle or give prizes.

Encourage friendly rivalry and participation by offering incentives like gift cards or subscriptions as prizes. Select from local businesses or popular options like Starbucks or Amazon. Create a dedicated channel on your preferred instant messaging platform, such as Slack or Hipchat, so that employees can share photos and comments. Add some extra excitement to social media by creating a unique hashtag and awarding a gift card prize to the best post using the hashtag and tagging your company.

Now that we've explored some creative ideas for throwing a virtual party with remote employees, let's go through a simple checklist to bring your event to life.

The Checklist for Throwing a Virtual Party in Simple Steps

Don't stress about organizing your virtual company party. Just follow this straightforward checklist:

1. Plan a time.

Choose a time that works for all attendees and send them a calendar invitation. Take into account different time zones to ensure inclusivity.

2. Pick your tech tools.

Research the best online conference technology and select a tool that allows you to register attendees and track their engagement. Additionally, choose a video platform that suits your needs and accommodates your budget. Options like WebEx, Zoom, and Skype offer various features and capacities.

3. Send the video link.

Ensure that all participants have access to the conference call. If necessary, create user accounts beforehand to simplify the process.

4. Find a suitable theme.

Add extra excitement to your virtual party by incorporating a theme. Whether it's centered around a specific decade or movie genre, a theme will engage your attendees and make the event more memorable.

5. Send reminders.

Maintain effective communication by sending reminders through multiple platforms, including email and instant messaging. This will help build anticipation and ensure everyone is prepared.

6. Select party food and drink.

Consider providing food or snack deliveries to your employees as a token of appreciation for their participation. Encourage a sense of togetherness with a remote potluck where attendees can share their favorite family recipes, including drink recipes.

7. Stick to your event agenda.

Prevent the party from spiraling out of control by selecting appealing activities and creating a virtual party agenda. Use PowerPoint or Google Slides to structure your agenda with a set time limit for each activity. Share the agenda with all attendees in advance to keep everyone informed and prepared.

8. Keep an eye on the clock.

To avoid boredom, set a time limit for the party, ideally around an hour or an hour-and-a-half. Wrap up the event before it becomes awkward and end the meeting for everyone instead of letting attendees trickle out.

9. Ask for feedback!

After the party, send out a feedback survey to gather participants' thoughts and suggestions for enhancing future experiences. This is also an excellent opportunity to gauge their availability for future meetings or parties.

Finally, discover some exciting virtual party games to keep your company party lively and boost morale.

Guide: How to Create an Event Planning Checklist Caption: Guide: How to Create an Event Planning Checklist

Check out some popular remote party game ideas

Here are a few virtual party games that will bring joy and encourage interaction among your attendees:

1. Trivia night:

Create custom questions or use existing trivia games on various topics like general knowledge or geography.

2. Decoration contest:

Give participants 10 minutes to decorate their surroundings with streamers, balloons, or other party props.

3. Fill in the blank:

Play online versions of Mad Libs or Word Blanks and involve everyone for guaranteed laughs.

4. Selfie competition:

Challenge attendees to draw self-portraits, either on a basic application like Paint or on paper. It's a fun way to discover hidden artistic talents!

5. Bingo:

Find free online bingo cards and customize them to match your party theme or company facts.

6. Virtual karaoke:

Let your colleagues showcase their singing talents from the comfort of their homes. Mute the microphones so everyone can enjoy the songs together and have a good laugh.

7. Scavenger hunt:

Organize an exciting scavenger hunt that takes place within each participant's home. They can search for specific items and complete challenges to keep the thrill alive.

Now you're ready to throw the best virtual party ever!

Give your attendees the human connection they crave by hosting a virtual bash from the comfort of their own homes. It's crucial to continue celebrating and boost group morale through enjoyable activities. Get creative with your agenda and take suggestions seriously to ensure everyone's preferences are considered.

Remember, being remote doesn't mean you have to be isolated. Hosting a virtual gathering allows you to get closer to your colleagues, no matter the physical distance. Next, explore some creative corporate event entertainment ideas to elevate your future parties.