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Event Marketing Plan: The Ultimate Guide to Success

If no one hears about your event, did it really happen? Event marketing is not only essential for spreading the word about your event but also for driving event registrations, establishing brand recognition, and building...

If no one hears about your event, did it really happen? Event marketing is not only essential for spreading the word about your event but also for driving event registrations, establishing brand recognition, and building a loyal client base. In fact, statistics show that attending a brand's event increases the likelihood of consumers purchasing their products or services by a staggering 87%.

So how do you ensure that your event organization efforts are not in vain? The answer is simple: communicate. Successful event marketers start their journey by building a comprehensive event marketing plan that covers a range of messages across various channels, such as social media, blogging, and email campaigns. To help you keep things under control, consider using a marketing checklist for events.

Why You Need an Event Marketing Plan

Think of an event as an apple. The event itself is the core, while marketing is everything that surrounds it. Just as you can't reach the core without first eating the apple, you can't engage your target audience without a well-executed event marketing plan. Building a marketing plan is the first step in paving the path to success.

Event Marketing

The Key Elements of an Event Marketing Plan

To ensure the success of your event marketing efforts, there are four key elements that you need to consider:


Determine the objectives of your event marketing activities. Why are you planning to send that email campaign? What do you hope to achieve with your social media contest? Your goals should be specific and actionable, guiding your actions towards targeted results.


Different activities can impact different people in unexpected ways. By integrating the profiles of your target personas into your event marketing plan, you can align your activities with the real audience and maximize your reach and impact.


Plan your touchpoints based on the stage of event organization and the goals you want to achieve at each stage. A detailed timeline will help you track progress more efficiently and ensure that you stay on top of your marketing activities.


Measure the success of your marketing performance by tracking relevant metrics at each stage. From the number of email registrations to video views, choose the metrics that will provide you with valuable insights into each activity.

Event Marketing Plan Checklist

To give you a simple framework for your event marketing planning, here is a basic event plan checklist template that covers the key steps:

Marketing Objectives

  • Ticket selling goals
  • The impact of specific activities on event revenue
  • Sponsorship targets
  • Social media engagement
  • Post-event sales estimations

Target Persona Profile

  • Basic details like age, gender, and location
  • Preferred social media platforms
  • Possible reasons for attending an event
  • Learning opportunities
  • The best ways to connect

Marketing Activities for Each Stage of an Event


  • Email campaigns: messaging, goals, scheduling, and blasting
  • Blog posts on relevant topics: writing and posting, according to the schedule
  • Pre-event Facebook advertising activities (contests, giveaways, scheduled posts, etc.)
  • Promotion campaigns on other social media platforms
  • Co-marketing initiatives with sponsors
  • Creation of print materials
  • Partnerships with influencers

At event:

  • Live interaction activities (live streaming on social media, real-time Q&A sessions, etc.)
  • Social media posting
  • Email campaigns: messaging, goals, scheduling, and blasting
  • Real-time survey management
  • Event app interaction: real-time posting, tracking, and answering questions
  • Interviewing activities
  • Video and photo activities

After event:

  • Thank you emails: messaging, goals, scheduling, and blasting
  • Collection and management of event visuals
  • Preparation and posting of wrap-up materials (social media, blogs, emails, and industry-related media platforms)
  • Post-event surveys: creation, management, and collection

Touchpoint Mapping

Activity → Marketing channel → Number of touchpoints → Scenarios


  • Activity type
  • Date and time
  • Follow-up scenarios

Event Marketing Plan

Implementing Your Own Event Marketing Plan

While this checklist provides a solid foundation, you may need to adapt it to your specific situation. Here are three recommendations to make the most out of your event marketing plan:

  1. Build separate content groups: Create different types of content to trigger desired actions. Buzz content can help you reach new audiences, while informative content keeps registrants engaged.

  2. Invest in email segmentation: Personalize your messages by using segmentation tools to filter recipients based on jobs, age, interests, and more.

  3. Share your plan with your event team: Even if you're the sole marketer, ensure that your event team is familiar with the plan. This will prepare them to address any marketing issues that arise during the event.


Having a stunning idea is not enough if you don't know how to sell it. An event marketing plan is the bridge that connects your event with your target audience. By following this event marketing plan checklist, you can pave the right path towards a successful event journey. Happy planning!