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Building Your Own Party Planning Committee: Creating a Vibrant Company Culture

Are you looking to bring some fun and camaraderie to your workplace? Why not create your own Party Planning Committee (PPC)? Join us as we explore the benefits and steps involved in building a vibrant...

Are you looking to bring some fun and camaraderie to your workplace? Why not create your own Party Planning Committee (PPC)? Join us as we explore the benefits and steps involved in building a vibrant PPC that will enhance your company culture.

Unveiling the Origin of the Party Planning Committee

For those living under rocks, the Party Planning Committee, or PPC, originated from the well-known Dunder Mifflin office in Scranton, Pennsylvania. At Lemonly, having a PPC is an integral part of our company culture. It enables our team members to engage in office activities beyond their daily work routine.

By establishing a selection of individuals responsible for organizing office events, we ensure that the workload and the fun are shared among team members. Moreover, the Party Planning Committee plays a vital role in acknowledging milestones and achievements, bringing the entire team together.

Party Planning Committee
The Party Planning Committee: Building a vibrant company culture.

How to Build Your Own Party Planning Committee

  1. Find Your Committee: The PPC at Lemonly consists of 4-5 members, comprising both veterans and newcomers. We encourage diversity by having a mix of male and female members from different departments. Each member serves for a maximum of two consecutive years.

  2. Create a Meeting Schedule: Set a monthly meeting schedule for your PPC to discuss and plan upcoming events effectively.

  3. Create a Detailed Events Document: Organize an events document, listing activities for each month, desired outcomes, and new ideas. This document is instrumental during the transition of committee membership.

What Your PPC can Do for You

Curious about the possibilities a PPC offers? Here are just a few events our PPC has managed to make our office environment more enjoyable:

  • Holiday Party: Our biggest event of the year, involving RSVP management, venue selection, catering arrangements, and various other decisions. It requires the most effort but is worth every minute spent.
  • Food Weeks: Organizing themed food weeks where team members sign up to share and enjoy different cuisines. A simple sign-up sheet and a theme are all it takes.
  • Lunch and Learns: Arrange catered lunches with expert speakers, providing an opportunity for professional development.
  • Baby Sprinkles: Celebrate your colleagues' impending parenthood with a fun-filled event that fosters a supportive work culture.
  • Company Retreat: Plan and organize food and recreational activities for an annual retreat that strengthens team bonding.
Company Retreat
Company Retreat: A chance to relax and bond outside the office.

The Benefits of a PPC

1. Shares Responsibility

Don't let your busy schedule be an excuse for not planning a work party or event. By creating a PPC, you can distribute the responsibilities and ensure everyone gets involved. Decisions become easier with valuable input from the committee, making events more tailored to the team's preferences.

2. Breaks the Routine

Switching tasks and thinking about something different can rejuvenate your mind. Monthly PPC meetings help break the monotonous work routine and engage a different part of your brain, promoting creativity and fresh ideas.

3. Team Ownership of Company Culture

Building a vibrant company culture requires efforts from the entire team. While the CEO's role is essential, allowing the team to shape and mold the culture fosters a sense of ownership and pride. Events and parties curated by the PPC contribute to the overall positive work environment.

4. Unique and Evolving Events

People and teams change over time, and so should the events. The PPC enables continuous innovation and ensures that company events remain fresh and exciting. Say goodbye to attending events that no longer resonate with the team's interests and preferences.

5. Budget-Friendly Planning

Planning events doesn't have to be daunting when you have a PPC in place. Assigning a budget to the committee ensures they work within the allocated resources. This not only keeps events cost-effective but also allows for creative and resourceful planning challenges.

Forming a PPC doesn't require significant time or money, but the impact it can have on company culture is immense. Remember to nurture a supportive and inclusive environment as you come together to create memorable experiences for your team.

Ready to enhance your company culture? Keep the party going and learn more about bringing your company culture to life with our comprehensive guide to honing your internal communication strategy.