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45+ Pre Event Survey Questions that Will Supercharge Attendance in 2024

Pre event survey questions are a powerful tool that can provide you with invaluable insights and drive higher attendance rates for your events. When crafted properly, they not only gauge your audience's level of interest...

Pre event survey questions are a powerful tool that can provide you with invaluable insights and drive higher attendance rates for your events. When crafted properly, they not only gauge your audience's level of interest but also generate excitement and anticipation for your event. In fact, using pre-event surveys can increase the likelihood of people showing up by up to 60%!

In this article, we will explore the importance of pre-event survey questions and how they can upgrade your events. We will also provide you with expert tips on how to boost response rates and get valuable data from your surveys. Whether you are planning a virtual, in-person, or hybrid event, we have got you covered!

Pre event survey questions on mobile app Pre event survey questions on mobile app

What are Pre Event Survey Questions and Why Do You Need Them?

Pre event survey questions are not only essential for gathering valuable data but also for creating a buzz around your event and generating more interest. They help you understand your audience's preferences, expectations, and needs, allowing you to tailor your event to meet their requirements.

Moreover, incorporating pre event survey questions into your event planning strategy can engage your audience even before the event begins. For instance, you can send out a pre-event survey in the form of a knowledge quiz one week before your event. This not only engages your audience but also increases the likelihood of them attending the event by 60%!

Additionally, if you run training events or conferences, pre event survey questions can help you gauge your audience's level of knowledge and skills. This valuable information enables you to develop training content that meets their needs and ensures better retention of the information provided.

Pro tip: To maximize the value of your pre event survey questions, consider sending out the same questions in your post event survey. This allows you to measure the attendees' learning progress and gather feedback to improve future events.

8 Sure-fire Ways to Boost Responses and Gather Valuable Data

Surveys are notoriously unpopular, often resulting in low response rates. However, with the right approach, you can boost response rates and gather valuable data from your pre event survey questions. Here are eight expert tips to achieve just that:

#1 Keep it Short and Sweet (KISS)

Nobody wants to fill out a long, drawn-out survey. Keep your pre event survey concise and ask only relevant questions that provide you with the information you need. We recommend including a maximum of eight questions to ensure higher response rates.

#2 Limit Free Text Questions

Avoid overwhelming your audience with too many open-ended questions that require lengthy responses. Instead, opt for specific, targeted questions that provide actionable insights. Multiple-choice questions or ratings with a maximum of five options are more likely to receive prompt and quick responses.

#3 Send Out Pre Event Surveys in Digestible Chunks

To avoid overwhelming your audience, send out three separate pre event surveys at different stages - during event planning, registration, and one week before the event. By breaking down your surveys into smaller chunks, your audience can easily digest and respond to each survey, resulting in higher response rates.

#4 Make it Fun and Memorable

Engage your audience by making your pre event survey questions interactive and engaging. Dry or boring surveys are likely to discourage participation. Incorporate a variety of question formats, such as videos, images, sliders, and matrix questions, to make the survey more enjoyable and memorable for your audience.

Pre event questions to ask Pre event questions to ask

#5 Personalize Pre Event Surveys

Tailor your pre event surveys to specific groups of people to make the questions more relevant to their needs. This approach not only increases the chances of receiving responses but also helps you organize and analyze the data more effectively. Questions that directly relate to the event theme or topics can also create a buzz and encourage engagement.

#6 Use Research and Data

Incorporate relevant research and data into your pre event survey questions, particularly for training events or conferences. Statistics and studies related to your topic can immerse respondents in the subject matter and provide valuable insights into their knowledge and expectations.

#7 Incentivize Responses

Offer incentives to encourage participants to complete your pre event survey. Consider raffles, discounts, swag, or special engagement opportunities with speakers or industry experts as rewards. Leveraging gamification options within your event platform can also boost participation and increase the number of responses.

#8 Send Reminder Emails

Don't assume that everyone will remember to complete your pre event survey. Send reminder emails at different points leading up to the event to increase response rates. Including a direct link to your survey in these emails makes it easier for participants to access and complete the survey.

Pro tip: Utilize tried and tested event email templates to optimize your event communication strategy and drive engagement.

#9 Make Sure It's Accessible

To maximize the number of responses, ensure your pre event survey is accessible on all devices. Test your survey on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices to provide the best user experience for your audience.

By following these tips, you will significantly increase response rates and gather valuable data from your pre event survey questions. Remember, the more responses you receive, the better insights you'll have to shape your event and meet your audience's expectations.

The 3 Main Types of Pre Event Survey Questions

When designing your pre event survey, it's essential to consider the different types of questions you can ask. Each type provides you with unique data to analyze and gain insights into your audience. Here are the three main types of pre event survey questions:

#1 Quantitative

Quantitative questions gather numerical data, such as age or rating scales. This type of question allows for statistical analysis and helps identify trends and patterns. Quantitative questions can be closed-ended, with pre-defined response options, or open-ended, allowing respondents to provide their own answers.

#2 Qualitative

Qualitative questions focus on understanding opinions, feelings, and beliefs of your audience. Unlike quantitative questions, qualitative questions often require open-ended responses, allowing respondents to provide detailed answers. Although more challenging to analyze quantitatively, qualitative questions provide rich insights into the reasons behind certain behaviors or attitudes.

#3 Binary

Binary questions require respondents to choose between two options, such as yes or no, true or false, or agree or disagree. This type of question is useful for quick and easy data collection and analysis. However, binary questions may not allow for nuanced answers or exploration of underlying reasons for the response.

8 Styles of Pre Event Survey Questions

To ensure your pre event survey remains engaging, it's important to use different styles of questions. Here are eight question styles you can incorporate into your pre event survey:


Matrix questions provide respondents with a multiple-choice table where they can rank options based on preference or priority. This style is useful for quantitative data analysis.

Pre event survey question - Matrix Pre event survey question - Matrix


Rank questions ask respondents to order items based on their preference or priority. This style allows for drag-and-drop responses and provides you with valuable insights into people's preferences.

Pre event survey question - Rank Pre event survey question - Rank

Rating (Stars)

Rating questions ask respondents to rate something specific using stars on a scale from 1 to 5. This style provides a quick and easy way to measure preferences or satisfaction.

Pre event survey question example 1 Pre event survey question example 1

Rating (Slider or Radio Buttons)

Rating questions ask respondents to rate something using a Likert scale, such as strongly agree or disagree. This style provides a more detailed understanding of respondents' opinions and preferences.

Pre event survey question rating 2 Pre event survey question rating 2

Single Answer (Radio Buttons)

Single answer questions ask respondents to select one option from a list of choices. This style is useful for quick and straightforward data collection and analysis.

Multiple Choice (Radio Buttons)

Multiple-choice questions ask respondents to select multiple options from a list of choices. This style provides more flexibility and allows you to gather more comprehensive insights.

Conditional Choice

Conditional choice questions follow up multiple-choice or single-choice questions with a free-text comment box. This style allows respondents to provide additional information or elaborate on their previous answers.

Free Text

Free text questions ask respondents to provide their answers in their own words. These questions offer valuable qualitative insights and allow respondents to express themselves freely.

To see how these question types can be implemented on SpotMe's event platform, check out our technical Knowledge Base article or request a personalized walkthrough.

Pre Event Survey Questions for Any Event Format

While the specific pre event survey questions you ask may differ based on the format of your event (virtual, in-person, or hybrid), there are some universal questions that can be asked before any type of event. Here is a list of essential pre event survey questions:

During Event Planning

  • Please rank the following aspects based on how important they are to you at our upcoming event.
  • Which social media platform do you prefer?
  • Which event format do you prefer and why?
  • How long would you like the event to be?
  • What's missing from other events?

When People Register

  • Name, job title, company, company size, age, email address, phone number
  • How did you hear about this event?
  • Why would you like to attend this event?
  • Have you attended this event before?
  • Which speakers are you excited about?
  • Please tell us if you have any special needs, restrictions, or requirements we need to know about.
  • How did you find the registration process?

One Week Before

  • What do you want to learn or gain from attending this event?
  • How familiar are you with the event topic or industry?
  • Which sessions or activities are you most interested in?
  • Do you have any burning questions or specific topics you would like the event to cover?
  • Is there anything else you would like us to know?

These questions will help you gather valuable information to shape your event and meet your attendees' needs and expectations.

Pre Event Survey Questions for a Virtual Event

Virtual events require specific pre event survey questions tailored to the online format. Here are some questions to consider for your virtual event:

  • Will this be your first time attending a virtual event?
  • What would make this virtual event more valuable for you?
  • Are there any topics or activities that you would like to see at the virtual event?
  • How would you like to engage with other attendees during the virtual event?
  • Which device will you be using to attend the event?
  • What time would you prefer to attend the event?
  • Do you have any technical questions or concerns when it comes to joining us virtually?
  • Is there any type of pre-event activity that would help you prepare for the virtual event?
  • Would you be interested in attending a post-event follow-up session or webinar?

These questions will provide insights into your audience's preferences and expectations for your virtual event, ensuring a more engaging and valuable experience.

Pre Event Survey Questions for an In-Person Event

For in-person events, consider asking questions that address the logistical aspects and individual requirements of attendees. Here are some pre event survey questions that are important for an in-person event:

  • Where would you like the event to be, and does our location work for you?
  • Do you have any dietary restrictions we should know about?
  • How will you travel to the event?
  • When will you arrive?
  • Will you stay at one of our partner hotels?

These questions will help you tailor the event to meet the specific needs of your in-person attendees.

Pre Event Survey Questions for a Hybrid Event

If you are organizing a hybrid event, you need to tailor your pre event survey questions for both online and in-person audiences. Here are some questions to consider for each group:

Pre Event Survey Questions for Online Attendees

  • Why have you chosen to attend this event online?
  • Which device will you be using to attend the event?
  • Will this be your first time attending an online event?
  • What time would you prefer to attend the event?
  • What would make this an enjoyable experience for you?
  • Do you have any technical questions or concerns when it comes to joining us online?
  • What do you think would be the best way of engaging with other attendees during the hybrid event?
  • Is there any type of pre-event activity that would help you prepare for the hybrid event?
  • Would you be interested in attending a post-event follow-up session or webinar?

Pre Event Survey Questions for In-Person Attendees

  • Why have you chosen to attend this event in-person?
  • Which sessions are you planning on attending in person?
  • Do you need any additional information about transport options or hotels nearby?
  • Will you be bringing any guests?
  • Do you have any dietary restrictions we should know about?
  • When will you arrive?

By tailoring your pre event survey questions to each audience, you can ensure a successful hybrid event that meets the needs and preferences of both online and in-person attendees.

How to Make the Most of Pre Event Survey Responses

It's not enough to just ask pre event survey questions; you need to leverage the responses to gather insights and improve your event planning process. Here are four steps to make the most of your pre event survey responses:

#1 Analyze the Data

Take the time to analyze the data from your pre event surveys in order to understand your audience's profile, preferences, and expectations. This analysis will help you make informed decisions about event content, format, and engagement activities.

#2 Personalize the Experience

Use the insights gained from your pre event survey responses to create a more personalized experience for your attendees. Tailor your event to match their preferences and ensure their needs are met throughout the event.

#3 Measure Engagement

Review your pre event survey results to gauge the level of engagement and satisfaction of your attendees. Evaluate the responses to identify areas of improvement and enhance future events.

#4 Compare with Post Event Surveys

Compare the responses from your pre event survey with those of your post event survey to measure the learning and progress of your audience. This comparison helps you evaluate the impact of your event and gather feedback to improve future events.

By following these steps, you will gain valuable insights and improve your event planning process based on actual attendee feedback.

Get the Best Tool for Effective Pre-Event Surveys

While tools like SurveySparrow, Typeform, and SurveyMonkey are popular for creating pre event survey questions, integrating your surveys directly into your event platform can save you time and stress. With SpotMe's event platform and app, you can set up engaging and dynamic pre event surveys in minutes.

SpotMe allows you to:

  • Set up interactive and personalized surveys with a variety of question formats.
  • Target your pre event surveys to specific groups of participants.
  • Send notifications that direct people to your surveys.
  • Access real-time analytics and graphs to visualize your survey results.
  • Export survey responses into Excel with just two clicks.

To experience the power and convenience of pre-event surveys on SpotMe's event platform, book a free personalized demo today. We'll guide you through all the features and show you how they can supercharge your event.

Downloadable Templates to Optimize Your Event Experience

To help you run engaging events that attendees love, we have created a collection of downloadable templates:

  • The best event RFP template
  • The global event request form template
  • The ultimate event brief template
  • The best 18 free event email templates
  • The ultimate event run of show template and example
  • The ultimate event debrief template

These templates provide you with a comprehensive set of tools to streamline your event planning and execution, ensuring a successful and impactful event.

Meet the Event Experts Behind this Article

This article was curated by our team of event experts who have extensive experience in the industry. They bring their expertise and insights to help you optimize your event strategy. Meet the experts behind this article:

  • Michael Sherrillo, Operations Manager
  • Jean-Baptiste Lamouline, Operations Lead
  • Kim Goetze, Senior Project Manager
  • Jamie Knight, Technical Writer
  • Andrew Tosh, Operations Lead

Their collective knowledge and experience ensure that the information provided in this article is accurate, relevant, and actionable.

In conclusion, pre event survey questions are a powerful tool that can significantly boost attendance and enhance the overall success of your events. By asking the right questions and utilizing the data gathered, you can tailor your event to meet the needs and expectations of your audience. So, don't miss out on the opportunity to engage your attendees and gather valuable insights through pre event survey questions. Start implementing them in your event planning strategy today!